We control the farming operations from seeding to harvesting.
We make periodic visits to the farms to test the crops, the land, and their
compliance to our quality standards; we select only the best products that
allow us to offer our clients flawless products.
The harvesting is carried out by teams of qualified personnel, who are
trained on cutting the top-quality products accurately.
1. Farming

2. Sorting
After harvesting, the crops are sorted primarily; we cut the extra branches
and leaves, and exclude the defected fruits and vegetables from the good
ones, we aim by this process to separate the seen defects initially; before
the products move to our accurate grading automated technology.

3. Washing
Washing is a mandatory processing step in fruits and vegetables processing
line, in order to retain the freshness and pureness of the products; our
washing machine eliminates any chemical or dirt residue on the fruits and
vegetables, sterilizes them and kills the common kinds of bacteria.
The machine is equipped with a high pressure water pump and a special
surfing device, and the dirt & impurities are flowing into a drain at the
bottom; to ensure the cleanness of our products.

4. Grading
We use the latest technologies for grading our products; to ensure that
only the premium products will complete the remaining stages of the
process. We have graders with an accurate Weighting system that weights
and sizes each fruit and grades it according to the clients’ requirements and
We use the Optic system to ensure getting top-quality products; that
includes high quality color digital cameras that scan the surface of each
product. The products are categorized by color, size, diameter, and
external defects, and the quality of each product is calculated while relating
these parameters to the clients’ needs.
Finally, we use the Near Infra-Red system that uses special wave length
that can penetrate into the internal part of the product and analyze its
chemical properties from the waves the product returns; to help in
producing products with the best quality not only from the outside, but also
from the internal essence.

5. Waxing
Fruit waxing is the process of coating fruits with an edible coating; that is
invisible, colorless, odorless, tasteless, and safe for human consumption.
Waxing helps in extending the products’ shelf life, enhances its appearance
by adding a bright shine on it, protects it from post-harvest damage, and
provides it with protection against diseases.

6. Packaging & Shipping
Fresh fruits and vegetables are so sensitive to the external factors, while
moving them from a place to another; we package our products well, to
protect them against contamination, damage or moisture loss during their
And with the aid of the best logistics providers, we grantee to our clients;
timely and safe products shipping to any country all over the world.