
United Horus > Our Products > Grapes


Grapes grow in special conditions where there’s a full sun, well-draining soil
and good air circulation. They are often eaten fresh but are also commonly
used to be processed into jams, and preserves, juices, grape seed oil,
grape seed extract, raisins and vinegar. Grapes are full of nutrients;
especially vitamins C and K, and they contain high antioxidant contents
that protect against diverse kinds of diseases.

Harvesting season
Grape colorVarietyAvailability
Green GrapesEarly Sweet15th of May30th of June
Sugraone1st of June
Sweet Sun Shine

Shipping Time Frame
Product NameShipping weeks
Early SweetSeedless20 - 24
SugraoneSeedless22 - 25

Packaging Information
Carton Weight4.5kg9Kg5Kg4Kg9kg
No, Item / carton8-10 Bags18 Bags10 Punnets10 PunnetsWithout
No, Carton /pallet170851201200
No, Carton / container34001700240024000
Container Net Weight15.3 Ton15.3 Ton12 Ton9.6 Ton0

Harvesting season
Grape colorVarietyAvailability
Black GrapesSweet Surrender1st of June30th of June
Melody15th of June
Sweet Sun Shine

Shipping Time Frame
Product NameShipping weeks
MelodySeedless26 - 28

Packaging Information
Carton Weight4.5kg9Kg5Kg4Kg9kg
No, Item / carton8-10 Bags18 Bags10 Punnets10 PunnetsWithout
No, Carton /pallet170851201200
No, Carton / container34001700240024000
Container Net Weight15.3 Ton15.3 Ton12 Ton9.6 Ton0

Harvesting season
Grape colorVarietyAvailability
Red GrapesFlame1st of June30th of June
Timco15th of June15th of July
Sweet Celebration1st of July31st of July
Jack Salut
Red Globe1st of July15th of August
Crimson15th of July15th of August

Shipping Time Frame
Product NameShipping weeks
MelodySeedless26 - 28
TimcoSeedless26 - 28
Red GlobeSeedless27 - 29
AllisonSeedless27 - 28
CrimsonSeedless29 - 30

Packaging Information
Carton Weight4.5kg9Kg5Kg4Kg9kg
No, Item / carton8-10 Bags18 Bags10 Punnets10 PunnetsWithout
No, Carton /pallet170851201200
No, Carton / container34001700240024000
Container Net Weight15.3 Ton15.3 Ton12 Ton9.6 Ton0